Our Areas of Specialty
EMDR Therapy
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a present-focused therapy that uses specific protocols to to target traumatic memories, taking them from emotional activation that feels out of control and into a more rational place. EMDR can occur in conjunction with psychotherapy or on its own.
Art Therapy
Art Therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which one will utilize art materials to regulate stress levels and assist in understanding deeper meanings to thoughts and actions. Anyone can benefit from art therapy as research posits that working with art strengthens the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that is in charge of behavioral and emotional regulation. Art creates new neural pathways in the brain, which is particularly important when working with trauma.
Couples Therapy
Attachment issues
Sexual misconnections
Divorce/Amicable Separation
Issues with money
Chronic arguing
Discrepancy in sexual desire
Communication problems
Differing relationship goals
Parenting issues
Growing apart
Open Relationships
Navigating Loss
Changing Roles
Excessive Porn Use
Compulsive sexual behaviors
Feeling insecure
Feeling unloved
Feeling unseen
ADHD issues in couples
Disagreements in timelines
Disagreements in relationship goals
Disagreements in career choices and decisions
Individual Therapy
Anxiety/Panic Disorders
Difficulty with relationships
Chronic people pleasing
Trouble making decisions
Money Disorders
Problems with self-esteem
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Recovery from trauma
Eating Disorders
Compulsive spending
Out of control behaviors
Difficulty connecting to and naming emotions
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Reevaluating relationships to sex, love, technology, social media, and finances
Professional/Career Concerns
Merging personal and professional identities
Adult survivors of child sexual experiences
Growing up in an alcoholic home
Growing up in a home with mental illness
Lack of pleasure in daily life
Feeling empty inside
Chronic unfulfillment
Not knowing who you are