Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
Our approach at Manhattan Therapy begins with establishing your relationship with your therapist. We start with empathy and emotional attunement. It is our job as therapists to begin to earn your trust. Your therapist will get to know you at your pace.
We use a psychoanalytic informed approach. Psychoanalytic means that the workings of your unconscious contribute to your thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. We imagine that you have conflicts from your past that you try to resolve in the present. For example, do you struggle with self-sabotage in your career or your relationship? Or find yourself making the same mistakes in relationships? Do you set goals and never get there? We would look at that together and try to work through past conflicts that could be influencing you not getting what you envision for yourself. We will go at your pace and support your goals.
We also work with you to identify your emotions. Many people struggle to identify what they feel, and where it comes from. Together, we will begin to put language to your experience, with the idea that connecting to your emotions doesn’t always have to be confusing or feel threatening.
We work extensively with behaviors that feel out of control. We understand out of control behaviors as affect regulation disorders: meaning an attempt to manage feelings that you don’t want to have.
We don’t always have to go back in order to move forward, but we if it feels necessary to our work together. Beginning therapy can be hard. We can start slow. We aren’t judging you. We can work with whatever you bring in.