Data & Research Drives Our Work With You
Therapists are oriented in different modalities and view topics through those specific lenses. We studied the research and are oriented to be the most effective therapists for your needs. Manhattan Therapy practices psychodynamic & psychoanalytically informed psychotherapy which has been shown to be highly effective for depression, social phobia, anxiety disorders, panic disorders, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, and eating disorders (just to name a few clinical concerns). We also pull from EFT Couples Therapy, EMDR, and Gestalt when proven to be clinically effective. Research reviews show extraordinary amounts of evidence supporting our targeted clinical orientation. Data and a deep commitment to our clients drives our work. We only hire people who live and breathe effective therapy. But don't take our word for it. Check out the ongoing research resources/meta-analyses- see here, here, here, and here. We really could go on- in fact we did. See a running tab on research shared here.